Monday, March 20, 2006

Weekend Update

I have the day off today! Woke up this morning and took Bella for a nice long walk, to DunkinDonuts, ah coffee! I won't bore you with bowel movements today. Still a little sore in the hip from bowling Saturday Night. Rachel hosted a 6-week cancer free! bowling party at a dive of an alley called Fireside Bowl, it was a blast. We started ealry at Chief O'Neils, I was so disappointed that they were out of Cider, it's all I have been craving, there's nothing better than cider on tap, damn Irish and their St. Patty's Day drunkin partying!
The Guiness cheese soup was divine. I haven't bowled in at least 5 years and I peaked by the second game, won that round with my all time high of 109!! I'm very proud of myself.

It was a great group of people there, Rachels had friends from school, SnB, and personal friends who all seemed to still be knitters, a common underlying theme in her life? She got snookered, I started to but stopped befroe the last game which migh explained why I sucked the last round...There was lots of guiness, drinking, I banged her head with a bowling ball, don't ask, and fell my first time up. Oops, I blame it on my ole CTA injury from last week's commuting.
When too many knitters get together in a social setting one is bound to bring out the knitting eventually, this time the award goes to Linda!

Any time Valerie is around a camera you have to take the 'face' picture!
Some more bowling shots....
Well more photos to come if Blogger fixes its photo-uploading issues, ugh!

Congrats Rachel!


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