Friday, February 04, 2005

Agree to Disagree

New roomies a republican!! That was the one thing we didn't talk about during our little visit/interview, agh! This little bit of information was discovered the other night during Bush's State of Disunion speech, oye vey I say. I guess she already I figured out that I was a demmie when she saw the bumpersticker on my car. Why yes I bought the bumpersticker, it was a moment of weakness at an art fair last summer, by then I already had fears of the outcome and thought my silly dollar donation would help, but to be honest I told, I don't really like bumperstickers and only used this on to cover the huge amount of paint peeling of the bumper of my care. Safe to say we agreed to disagree. All else is well, she walks the dog for fun, and already that is great! Now I thought the work week was supposed to start off bad and get better the closer you go to friday, was this week the week of everything going ass backwards? This week sucked and I was so fucking glad to get out this evening! I want nothing more to watch tv/movies, knit and hibernate tonight. I think I'm finally ready to conquer the last bit of the green sweater that I've lazingly putting off for just about forever. I think A couple of tylenol PM's have my name on them......yum.


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