Sunday, November 27, 2005

Out With The Old..

Out with the old and in with the new. It is with sad regret that I announce the death of Dansko black clogs #1. #1 has been with me for three years of hard work, you haven't been fashionable to wear, (except around my cool knitting friends) but I loved you anyway. On the other hand I would like to announce a new member of my family, Dansko black clogs #2, proudly won form on ebay for the low low price of 58 bucks! Yes I love you ebay for saving me almost 70 dollars!! As a great bonus my co-workersold me a pair of her purple nubuk suede dansko clogs for 35 bucks because she wore them one and did not like them and is not too computer savy to know she could have sold them for twice that price. I'm thinking the purple clogs might replace the red clogs that are severly worn and badly stretched, must wear thick socks now with them, they might be relegated to camping wear...I've defied my bosses boss who thinks he can control me life and got tickets to visit the grandmother at X-mas. It's not that we're religious or anything, it's just that it's so much fun to go to christmas brunch with her at the big old hotel down the street. As part of my sacrifice that I offered to my boss (who was able to schedule me around the trip anyway) was that I would work New Years Eve. So big deal, I get out of work at 7:30, I can still party, just hope I don't have to work the same day.
The knitting's going slow, sort of, the first stocking is all made, I'm happy with it and have written down the pattern, mostly, the second should go faster. I really REALLY want to work on my own stuff, but will wait untill the commission is down, I like to think of the reward $$$!!! (which will go toward my airline ticket) I've been so go I haven't even worked on any spinning. I think I have a two-session felting class at Lill street that I'm filling in for, I just haven't gotten the contract in the mail or had a call about materials since our meeting, I need to call them, it starts this wednesday. i don't know how much that one pays, but it looks good on the resume I've already sent out...


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